Example 2: Enable ZFS services

Create a playbook

shell> cat lp.yml
- hosts: test_01
  become: true
    - vbotka.linux_postinstall

Create host_vars/test_01/lp-zfs.yml

shell> cat host_vars/test_01/lp-zfs.yml
lp_zfs: true
lp_zfs_debug: false

  - {name: zfs-mount, enabled: true, state: started}
  - {name: zfs-share, enabled: true, state: started}
  - {name: zfs-zed, enabled: true, state: started}

Show status of ZFS services at the remote host

test_01> service --status-all | grep zfs
 [ - ]  zfs-import
 [ - ]  zfs-mount
 [ - ]  zfs-share
 [ - ]  zfs-zed

Enable ZFS services

shell> ansible-playbook lp.yml -t lp_zfs

TASK [vbotka.linux_postinstall : zfs: Manage zfs services] ******************
changed: [test_01] => (item={'name': 'zfs-mount', 'enabled': True, 'state': 'started'})
changed: [test_01] => (item={'name': 'zfs-share', 'enabled': True, 'state': 'started'})
changed: [test_01] => (item={'name': 'zfs-zed', 'enabled': True, 'state': 'started'})

The command is idempotent

shell> ansible-playbook lp.yml -t lp_zfs
PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************
test_01: ok=6 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=8 rescued=0 ignored=0

Show status of ZFS services at the remote host

test_01> service --status-all | grep zfs
 [ - ]  zfs-import
 [ + ]  zfs-mount
 [ + ]  zfs-share
 [ + ]  zfs-zed