Quick start guide

For the users who want to try the role quickly, this guide provides an example of how to create users, install packages, and configure services.

  • Install the roles:

    shell> ansible-galaxy install vbotka.linux_postinstall
    shell> ansible-galaxy install vbotka.ansible_lib
    shell> ansible-galaxy install vbotka.linux_lib
  • Create the playbook playbook.yml for single host srv.example.com (2)

 1shell> cat playbook.yml
 2- hosts: srv.example.com
 3  gather_facts: true
 4  connection: ssh
 5  remote_user: admin
 6  become: yes
 7  become_user: root
 8  become_method: sudo
 9  roles:
10    - vbotka.linux_postinstall
  • Create host_vars with customized variables

1shell> ls -1 host_vars/srv.example.com/lp-*
  • To speedup the execution set some variables (2-4) to false

1shell> cat host_vars/srv.example.com/lp-common.yml
2lp_debug: false
3lp_backup_conf: false
4lp_flavors_enable: false
  • Create users. The passwords will not be created (5,8). See details

 1shell> cat host_vars/srv.example.com/lp-users.yml
 3  - name: ansible
 4    shell: /bin/sh
 5    disabled_password: true
 6  - name: admin
 7    shell: /bin/bash
 8    disabled_password: true
10  - name: admin
11    groups: [adm, dialout]
1shell> cat host_vars/srv.example.com/lp-passwords.yml
2lp_passwords: true
3lp_passwordstore: true
4lp_passwordstore_create: false
5lp_passwordstore_overwrite: false
  • Install packages and enable autoremove

1shell> cat host_vars/srv.example.com/lp-packages.yml
2lp_packages_autoremove: true
4  - ansible
5  - ansible-lint
6  - ansible-tower-cli
  • Configure services

1shell> cat host_vars/srv.example.com/lp-service.yml
2lp_service_debug: true
4  - {name: ssh, state: started, enabled: true}
  • Test syntax

    shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml --syntax-check
  • See what variables will be included

    shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml -t lp_debug -e lp_debug=true
  • Install packages

    shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml -t lp_packages
  • Dry-run, display differences and display variables

    shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml -e lp_debug=true --check --diff
  • Run the playbook

    shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml


The host has not been secured by this playbook and should be used for testing only.